Our Story
Building The Temple of God (BTG) Ministry was found in 2011 by the grace of God. The Ministry has an overseer by the name Iman Mwakanyamale who received the instruction of the Ministry from the Lord in 2011 and kept all that God has spoken till due time as God has commanded.
The Ministry is basically a Prophetic Movement dealing with the expounding and interpreting the word of God relevantly to the Truth of its essence and Seasonal Fulfillment as the scriptures are decoded from the Mouth of the Creator.
2018 -
The Ministry started to operate officially in July 2018, 7 Years from the time God inspired it in the heart of his servant. We know that God calls and prepares people to carry out his duty, thus we hereby welcome you to partner with us so that in our Unity we can fulfill the work of God our Father.
Iman Mwakanyamale is a servant of God called in the Prophetic Office so that the Edification of the church may be fulfilled by him also as the member in the body of Christ. He has been teaching about the message of the Kingdom
for about 8 Years since the time God called him in Salvation. But also has served as a Treasure in the Student Fellowship at MUST (2013-2014), The General Secretary in the Evangelical Ministry Called Gods Kingdom Business (GKB) for one year (2016-2017) and as a Chairperson of University Students’ Christian Fellowship (USCF MLIMANI) for two consecutive terms (2017-2019).
So far the Lord knows how to prepare what he has set apart for Ministry. I glorify God for this path that made me perceive his Call with a keen heart, deep analysis and full assurance of his voice in calling me in the full time Ministry in his Kingdom Currently he is the holder of Ordinary Diploma in Electrical & Electronics Engineering from MUST in 2014 and also holder of Bachelor of Science in Quantity Surveying from University of Dar es salaam. The focus is the Kingdom, and for the Kingdom we have all appeared in Flesh, May my
God bless you. Amen.
BTG Ministry is visional in Teaching the word of God and Revealing God to the people who are set apart to carry out the utterances of the Kingdom. The Ministry will establish itself in a Worship center and from there the teachings will be carried out and the transformation for the Kingdom will be achieved.
For starting we have found a place where we can rent and carry out the ministerial services up to the time we will be able to construct our own place for the Glory of God. We will keenly show the cost of things that we need for starting the greater call in the Lord.